SDK React


Hook to accept multiple offers, accessing the active process step as well as the transaction hash. Note: The signer should already have approved the transfer of the tokens otherwise the transaction will fail.


import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'
import { BatchPurchaseStep, useBatchPurchase } from '@liteflow/react'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { publicActions } from 'viem'
import { useWalletClient } from 'wagmi'
export default function Component() {
  const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient()
  const signer = useMemo(() => {
    return walletClient?.extend(publicActions)
  }, [walletClient])
  const [batchPurchase, { activeStep, transactionHash }] =
  const handleClick = async () => {
    await batchPurchase([
        listingId: '66710e28-38d4-11ed-a261-0242ac120002', // ID of the offer
        quantity: BigNumber.from(1), // The quantity of NFT to accept. Must be 1 for erc721, must be inferior (partial fill) or equal to offer's quantity for erc1155.
        listingId: '66710e28-38d4-11ed-a261-0242ac120003', // ID of the offer
        quantity: BigNumber.from(1), // The quantity of NFT to accept. Must be 1 for erc721, must be inferior (partial fill) or equal to offer's quantity for erc1155.
  return (
      {activeStep === BatchPurchaseStep.INITIAL && (
        <button onClick={handleClick}>Batch purchase</button>
      {activeStep === BatchPurchaseStep.TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE && (
        <p>Please sign transaction in wallet</p>
      {activeStep === BatchPurchaseStep.TRANSACTION_PENDING && (
        <p>Transaction is pending</p>
      {activeStep === BatchPurchaseStep.OWNERSHIP && <p>Verifying ownership</p>}
      {transactionHash && <p>Transaction hash is {transactionHash}</p>}


  signer: Signer | undefined, // Ethers signer:

Return values

  (purchases: { offerId: string; quantity: BigNumberish }[]) => Promise<void>, // batchPurchase function to accept a purchase multiple offers
    activeStep: BatchPurchaseStep, // returns different values depending on the current purchase step
    transactionHash: string | undefined, // returns the transaction hash after transaction has been placed on the blockchain


Function to accept multiple offers.


  purchases: {
    listingId: string, // Id of the offer
    quantity: BigNumberish, // Quantity of asset to accept. Use BigNumber


The status of the transaction as an enum BatchPurchaseStep executed in this order. Once the offer acceptation has been complete the state returns to BatchPurchaseStep.INITIAL

enum BatchPurchaseStep {
  INITIAL, // Default
  TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE, // Transaction has been initiated
  TRANSACTION_PENDING, // Transaction is pending
  OWNERSHIP, // Ownership is being verified


The hash of the blockchain transaction of the accepted offer. This is only accessible after the approval of the transaction (after BatchPurchaseStep.TRANSACTION_PENDING)